Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jubilant June

June Edition

Hello Friends,
How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. It is hard to believe that it is June already! Seems like just yesterday it was New Year’s! This will be a short letter, as most of my summer letters will be.

-Seniors: It’s that time of year again! On Thursday, the 6th, the seniors will be graduating. It is a crazy thought because I remember some of them from when they were born, and others from when they were in pre-school. It has been fun to watch them grow into being the “big dogs on campus,” into their role as leaders and role models. Between now and graduation, the big things for the seniors are receptions and JSB (our prom type thing)(and actually, as I send this, JSB just ended). Over the past year I have been toying with the idea that DA is almost a sender of missionaries in and of itself – at least for the students who have a relationship with Jesus. Because we try to teach them about God and the Bible, and how to establish good disciplines, and provide a place for fellowship. I realize this analogy can easily crumble, but that is okay. For those who know Christ we send them out with the hope that they will spread their love of Jesus to whomever they meet. This summer and the coming year will be difficult for them as they figure out how to live in the States – without a parent around to do all the “parent things” (i.e. taking care of them) – in other words, they now have to do everything themselves. Pray for their transition and for their faith to be strengthened in the coming months, and however God leads you to pray.

-Recruiting: I have mentioned a few times that we are in the process of finding staff to fulfill our needs for next year. There is a page on the website: When I wrote you last, we were searching especially for a 1st grade teacher. I am happy to say that as of last week, that position has been filled. Now we have one position left (yay!): a high school math teacher.  If you know anyone interested in working overseas, tell them about DA – I may be biased, but it is a great school! There are several people who have applied for the positions, but sometimes discernment is difficult. Please pray that my bosses and I will have wisdom in knowing who is the right person for a position. Pray also for the people we have hired as they prepare to move overseas and leave the familiar. Pray that their first year here will be filled with joys and that they will be able to be examples of Christ while they serve here. Pray that God will lead qualified people to our doors. Praise God that we have 5 positions filled!

Well, that is all for now. I am looking forward to this summer. As of a week ago I thought it would be rather boring because not a lot of people in the community will be around and I will only have to go into work once a week. But then four (maybe five) things came up. So now I will be house sitting (which includes taking care of two dogs – not my favorite part!), unlocking someone’s house so their maid can get in over the summer, feeding a fish, and helping out in the library from time to time. I realize that that as only four items, that is because the 5th is still very tentative. I would also like to do some baby sitting. So that is something you can pray for me, that opportunities for babysitting will come up. Have a great day.


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