Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jovial January

January Edition

Hi Friends, 
How are you? It is hard to believe that 2012 is already over. It seems just yesterday that my brother and I were watching the ball drop on New Year's Eve and drinking sparkling grape juice to celebrate :). This year has been quite eventful for me and for my whole family - but it has been a great one. I am getting ready to go camping over New Year's - the first time I have gone in 6 years and I am excited. I am spending Christmas in my old house with my parent's colleagues. It has been a really good time, and I am glad I was able to get away from Dakar for a little while (I love Dakar, mind you!!! Sometimes it is just nice for a change.). The place we are going camping is these waterfalls about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours away - they used to be maybe more than 3 hours away but they moved the falls so they are closer now... haha. 

-Family: My family is all together this Christmas... the first time all 5 of them have been together in 3 or 4 years. They are really having a great time. I think this spring my parents are going to start picking up on visiting churches. Pray that their travels in this endeavor will go well.Pray also that they will be able to reach the hearts of the people they are visiting to empower them to be a part of my parent's ministry. In the meantime, Danielle is still searching for a car and a job. She has finished up her last semester at DA and moving on to a different kind of life.Pray that she is prepared for this life. Pray also that she will be able to get the job and car she is looking for. Pray also that she will know where God is leading her in this stage of her life. 

-Missionaries: Please continue to pray for the Brazilian missionaries who are in jail. I don't have any updates since the last time I wrote. Pray that God's light will shine through this situation. Pray also that the family's faith will be refined into silver during this time (Zechariah 13:9). 

-Camping: One last thing, please pray that the camping trip goes well. The car we are traveling in is not always that reliable, so pray that it stays together and doesn't overheat for both the trip there and back. Pray also that there will be no injuries and we'll be able to enjoy a few days away from the worries of the world. 

I pray that this finds you all well and enjoying nice cool weather as I am. The weather today has been glorious and somewhat windy - so beautiful!! May your new year be blessed greater than the last. Have a great day. Ruthanne
Nehemiah 4:6

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Edition

December Edition

Hello Friends,
How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. I am sorry that this is late, but it seems to be the norm lately, so maybe I shouldn’t apologize until I make a change. Things are going well here. Tensions are getting high as students are worrying and (hopefully) preparing for exams. Christmas break always comes at a good time. The weather got pretty cool last week and we were all wearing sweaters, but the humidity has shot up 30% so these days are warm now. This is one of the times when people return home, and it is fun to be here and see alumni and fellow/former peers come back to be with their families.

-Traveling: As it is the Christmas season, there are a lot of people traveling. People are going home from college, people are going from here to the States, and some are just traveling within Africa. Please pray the travellers will not be stressed about all they have to do before they travel. Pray that they will keep safe – both in the traveling and with their belongings and person. Pray also that the drivers and pilots will stay awake and alert and will make wise decisions as they navigate the roads, traffic, and air.

-Exams: With Christmas comes exams. Please pray that those taking exams will study with clarity and will be able to focus. Pray that they listen when the teacher tells them what to study and that they will use wisdom in deciding how to spend their time in the next week and a half. Pray also that they get enough sleep and that during the exam they will be able to recall all they have been taught.

-Danielle: She is going back to the States in just two weeks and once she is there will be looking for a job, a place to live, and a car. Please pray that she finds all of these in good time. Pray that she will know where God is leading her in these next few years. And pray that she has good closure with the people here at DA as she leaves here after working here for 5 1/2 years. She is a beloved member of this community and she will be missed.

-Me: I will be traveling to Mali soon to spend Christmas with family friends. It will be somewhat weird because I’ll be in the house I grew up in, but it will look totally different. But I am prepared for it and it will not be as much of a shock as it would have been had I not helped my parents pack up our house. So please pray that the traveling will go well and that the break will be restful. I am looking forward to the break – especially going camping at some beautiful waterfalls (they are pronounced “wooder”falls, by the way [not “wadder”falls] ;) over New Year’s. Pray also that next semester I will find my niche here so to speak. This semester I have not really had a group of friends to hang out with, and I am hoping that will change.

-Missionaries: I am sure you remember the daSilva family I asked you to pray for last month whose father is in jail here being falsely accused of child slavery. Please continue to pray for them. The hearings have been postponed several times so right now it is sort of a waiting game. An article about the whole situation was recently published in a local newspaper and it did not shed a positive light on the ministry. However good has come out of all of this – how could it not when God is involved? The son, Jon, was given money so that he could come out to Senegal and be with his family during this time. Jon wrote this a few weeks ago: “A lot happens in 24 days.

24 days ago my father was imprisoned with false accusations.
In 24 days 2 Brazilian Senators have visited the Obadiah Project.
In 24 days my father has started a church ministry inside the prison
In 24 days several prisoners have come to Christ.
In 24 days the Obadiah Project videos have shot from 100 to 4000 views in total.
In 24 days the churches in Senegal and Brazil have become more united.
24 days ago Human Rights was not drafting a document to attack child slavery in Senegal
24 days ago the presidents of both Brazil and Senegal did not know about the project
24 days ago God chose our family to be used for his glory
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support. The overwhelming care we have received has been incredible. Thank you for everyone who has been donating, your financial support is also a tremendous help during this time.
Keep praying that God continues to use this situation for his glory and that the Judge releases them soon.”
Check out this website to learn more: Please pray that the family will be able to spend Christmas together.

Well, that is all for now. It is very cold here in the business office as there are snowflakes all around – on the walls and hanging from the window :D. I pray that you’ll find this Christmas season joyous and will be able to have a great, relaxing time with your family. Have a great day. Ruthanne

 Isaiah 9:6