Sunday, March 31, 2013

Avril... April... Abril... Amazing!

April Edition

Hello Friends,
How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. WOW!!! April! Does anyone else feel as though this year is just flying by? Although, sometimes it feel really slow, like when I am waiting (or wishing) for something to happen… It is spring break right now and it feels really long – 2 weeks and a day and a half – twice as long as in college. I find that I do not really have anything to do… which is nice, but also frustrating in some ways. Well, it is April, and they say “April showers bring May flowers.” I don’t know about you, but I will not be getting any showers where I am! And really, that quote is misleading – I have waited for it to come true all my life and the progression just never really seemed as straightforward as “they” would lead you to think… I’m rambling.

-Sickness: In my last prayer letter I mentioned a few people needing surgery. The director had his surgery yesterday, and the report says that it went well. Please pray for his recovery and physical therapy. I also mentioned one of the dorm moms, when she got to the States they discovered she had an absess. On Tuesday she is having surgery to get it removed. Please pray for the doctors as they prepare for it. Pray that the cause for the absess will be discovered so that they can know how to prevent it happening again. And pray that her recovery is quick so that she can soon return to her family.

-Missionaries: Please continue to lift up Jose daSilva and Zeneide in prayer. There is a petition going around to convince the Brazilian and Senegalese governments – especially the Brazilian one, I think – to take action. The link follows:
Please sign if you feel led.
Here is an update:
We reached 50,000! Thank you everyone who has voted so far. It's amazing to think that just a few days ago we were trying to reach 5,000. God's good. Keep praying, the situation is still very messy.

Here's an update by a friend in Senegal:

Just to give you an update on Jose Dilson E Marli and Zendeide. They are still in prison here in Thies waiting for the appeal to go forward in Dakar. They have been encouraged this week by three pastors from Brazil who have come to be with them and to minister in the prison! One is a dentist and another is a psychologist. The dentist is seeing between 50-70 prisoners a day to work on their teeth! They are having a huge impact. The other two pastors are listening to and counseling people there. Jose and Zeneide are getting to help with all this which means that Marli and their son, Zucky get to spend more time with them as they are also helping. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Please pray for the petition to reach the right people, as well.

-Recruiting: A little while ago I mentioned that we are in the process of finding staff to fulfill our needs for next year. There is a page on the website: Our most urgent need is for a Business Manager. If you know anyone interested in working overseas, tell them about DA – I may be biased, but it is a great school! There are several people who have applied for the positions, but sometimes discernment is difficult. Please pray that my bosses and I will have wisdom in knowing who is the right person for a position. Pray that God will lead qualified people to our doors.

Well, that is all for now. Have a great day.

Proverbs 19:23


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