A few weeks ago, some invited me over dinner. Even if I want to, I am
always hestitant when someone asks me over for dinner because I am a picky
eater (though I am slowly getting
better) and I don’t want to offend the person by not eating their food. So I said
yes. Before I went I prayed to God, thinking of all these food I don’t like
(particularly, maffe (peanut sacuce) and taco casserole were at the top of my
list) asking him for those things not to be served. I went to supper and they
brought out the main dish – quiche – and I pasted what I hoped was a pleasant
smile, or at the very least, look on my face. Quiche! How could I not think of
this? Oh the irony! God does have a
sense of humor! I ate it, and it wasn’t awful.
For new staff orientation a few weeks ago, several of us “old”/experienced
staff were asked to bring in a snack for the newcomers to eat when they went on
break. On her day, one of my co-workers brought in Crustell Quiche. Evertime I
walked by it my mouth would water (say it my way in your head ;) ) for some
reason. I told the maker of it and she said to go ahead and try some. So I took
half a square out, took a bite, and WOW! So good! It just melted in my mouth! I
was especially surprised because it had (very obvious) spinach in it – a vegetable
I really don’t like but would like to increase my intake of it (to once a week or
so versus never – because it has folate in it, something I lack in my diet). A
few days later I was happily given the recipe. I look forward to eating it
every so often as part of my breakfast-for-supper cycle.
When I was in Ecuador, they served quiche pretty regularly. I did not want to eat it! They also served
other stuff I didn’t want to eat, and my attitude became such a problem that I
was put on probation. Soon after this, I was doing my devos and read Luke 10:8,
“Eat what is set before you.” Well, I was convicted. When I shared this verse
with the others I was with they all laughed because they knew my struggles. For
the rest of the time, if I didn’t want to eat something, I would bring this
verse to mind, and force myself to eat it and to have a better attitude.**
Apparently when I came back from that trip I was so proud that I had eaten
quiche – that is what my parents told me, but I don’t remember being proud, I
was probably actually upset or something.
All my life I have struggled with the question of, “How do I know when
God is talking to me or telling me to do something?” That time in Ecuador was
the first time I knew that God was speaking to me – it was very clear. But
before that and since then, it has not been so clear. At the end of high school
I thought, “Okay, now I’m going to have to listen to God about a career choice
and where to go for college… how do I do that?” In the end, for a number of
reasons, accounting was an obvious choice and Bluffton was a decision I had to
make one day during the summer before my first year. Did God tell me to go to
Bluffton? I don’t know. After that, I was like, “Okay… just of sailed through
that one, I guess I didn’t really have to listen for anything.”
Four years go by and I’m graduating from college. Again, I’m thinking, “Now is when I really have to listen to
God – what job will I take? … uh God? How do I hear you?” That one was easy
too. I flew to Senegal my little sister’s graduation, my mom told me of a
possible opening, I had an interview, sent in the application, and 5 ½ weeks
after graduating from college I had a job! “Wow! That was easy… wait, how am I
going to know when to leave DA?” That last question is my current “okay now I’m
going to have to listen to God”. For my older sister it was “easy” (I know it
really wasn’t, Danielle!) – for her it was, “No more siblings? Okay, see you!
Also, I have some loans.” For me, siblings are not a factor, if I budget right
and live frugally for the next 6 or 7 years – loans are not a factor. At the
moment, the only reasons I can foresee leaving are being fired, or getting
married and my husband saying “Okay, let’s go.” I am comfortable here, I love it. I love the
people, the weather, the ease of shopping, seeing friends (adult and
classmates) from high school, the Christ-centered atmosphere, and more. I can
envision myself being here at least four years, so why am I worrying about this
now? I don’t know.
A friend told me recently that listening to God is like the “be faithful with little, and he’ll
trust you with more” concept. The more you act on things you think God might be
telling you, you’ll get better at hearing him.
This year I am learning to listen to God. There are a few things I
think he wants me to do this year. I am afraid to tell you what they are in
case I chicken out but I also think I need accountability. So I will tell you
one thing. For the last few weeks, or maybe even months, I think that God has
been telling me to go on outreach. To some of you this may not be a big deal,
but for me it is. Why? Well, that another blog post – or I’ll tell you if you
ask me.
I am tuning myself to God’s leading.
I’m here, God, listening…
**To my mother’s (and my) dismay, these good eating habits only lasted
until I got home… and then they quickly stopped.
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