Hi Friends,
I know it has been a while. I hope things are going well for you.
-Brazilian missionary: In June we got the news that Jose had the final hearing and was finally given the freedom we have all been praying for. There was nothing to keep them here any longer... except they didn't have their passports. And now, a month later, they still don't. I talked to Jose's wife yesterday and she said they are hoping to get them today. Please pray that the passports will be returned so that Jose and his family can go back to Brazil and get some much needed rest and time with extended family.
-New staff: In the next few weeks the new staff are due to arrive. A few of them have purchased their tickets and we have people lined up to pick them up from the airport. But there are a few of them who don't have their tickets yet because they are not allowed to buy them until they have all of their support. Please pray that all of the support needed for these new staff will come in so that they can purchase their tickets and arrive in a few weeks. I can't help but think that this is Satan. This year was the first year that we went into the summer with all of our staff positions filled - was it too good to be true? Was Satan just lulling us into a false sense of security? Please pray that we will trust God about this situation and that God will prevail. We know he has a plan. Please pray for the other new staff as they prepare to come as well. They may have purchased their tickets but there is still much to do, packing, making purchases, raising support, saying good bye to family and friends, and more.
-Returning staff: Much of our returning staff are in the States for the summer to visit their friends and family. They are also preparing to come back in the next two to three weeks. They are doing much the same as the new staff - packing, making purchases, saying good-bye - except that they know what awaits them on the other side, and so don't have as much apprehension.
-Rain: As of yet, Dakar has not received any rain. On the first of the month, we had about seven minutes of spit, and then a few days ago we had some spit again, but spit does not make crops grow. Last year at this time there had already been three good rains, this year, none. Please pray that God will send rain. Rain is just really nice to have, but more importantly, as in any other country, rain is needed to make the crops grow so that farmers can make a living.
-Me: I have had a good summer and it is now winding down. One of the things I have been doing is house sitting. This has involved three things: grass, a dog, and a pool. The dog is frustrating because I don't particularly like dogs and it has a tendency to jump on you and not listen to you. In addition, it is hard to keep it contained in a specific area (away from the grass so he doesn't tear it up) because he can broad jump a four foot fence. Also, he barks all through the night, making it difficult to get any sleep. The grass and the pool have been difficult because the pump system to the house wasn't working for a while and so there was no water. As a result, the grass is mostly dead and the pool is kind of dirty. But the pump is working again, so I am hoping that in the next few weeks I can revitalize the grass - water it, play it some classical music, talk to it - and get the pool cleaned so that it will be ready for the kids to swim in it when the family comes back. And speaking of support, my stipend from the school has gone down a bit. As a result, I am going to either have to do some creative budgeting, not go to any school events, or not put as much into my loans. I can also do a combination of all three. Will you pray about this with me? Pray that I will have the discernment to know where to cut back. Pray also that God will provide the funds I need to be able to continue to participate in things and to pay off my loans. I am grateful for all of you who are partnering with me in prayer. If you would also like to contribute financially to my ministry, please follow the link at the right.
I hope you are all well and have had an enjoyable summer.
Have a great day!