Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Amazing April

April Edition

Hello Friends,
How are you? I don’t know what else to say so I’m just going to jump right in.

-Brazilian friend: This is the man who was imprisoned in the fall of 2012 – he is still waiting release. A court date has been set for April 8 when he is supposed to appear before the judge and receive an answer. Naturally, we are all hoping he will be set free so that he can go to Brazil and have rest and debrief from all of this. Please pray that the trial (I don’t know if that’s the right word) will actually happen and will not get delayed once again. Pray for wisdom for the judge, that he will have a clear head about the situation and what would be the best course of action to take. And pray for us to trust God no matter what happens. While we want Jose and Zeneide to be released, we want God to be glorified more.

-Ebola virus: There is an outbreak of the ebola virus that has started down in Guinea. This is the first case of it in West Africa. Senegal and Mali have closed their borders to the country and other countries possibly have as well. The virus has been reported to have spread to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia. The death toll has reached 78 so far and will spread if it is not contained and treated. Please pray for the people in these countries as this disease takes the lives of family members and friends. Pray for health organizations as they go into the infected areas and teach people how to avoid getting the sickness and as they strive to treat it. Pray that this will cause people to turn to God as they see that he is the only hope they have of eternal life.

-Danielle: My sister is seeking God about what is the next step in her life. She is working on creating a writing portfolio to submit to grad schools and she is filling out applications for places she could teach. Please pray that God will give her creativity and discernment and she writes and chooses from past writings what would be right for her portfolio. Pray that she will have closure at the school she is at and that she will be at peace. Pray for her job interviews, that she will give a good impression to her interviewer and they will see the passion she has for both teaching and the English language and how she can be an asset for their school.

-Benjamin: My brother will be graduating from college in just 2 and a half months. He is in the process of filling out job applications and reaching out to people he has met who could provide him with a job. Please pray for discernment in what jobs to apply for and where in the States he should be looking. He is hoping to stay in the mid-west so he can be close to his girlfriend so pray that opportunities will open up in the area. Pray that he will finish the school year strong and at peace about his future.

-Me: In January I was invited to run the children’s program at a conference during spring break. I accepted, thinking that there would be someone to help me. But then it turned out no one was able to help so now I am doing it on my own. I would not be nervous if all I was doing was hanging out with them for 3 hours (I hang out with 60 kids for 40 minutes a day, and that is a cinch!), but I also have to do a little Bible study with them. I am not a teacher, I am a tutor. And while it is only 5 kids, I am still nervous. Please pray that God will give me the ability to teach over the next four days. Pray that I will be a good example of Christ to them, in my actions, my words, and the Bible studies. Pray that I will be able to trust God about this and about other things going on in my life

I hope this letter finds you well and that spring temperatures are right around the corner for those of you in North America.
