Sunday, March 2, 2014


Hello Friends,

Well, it has been a while since I have written. First of all I want to say thank you for praying for the outreach to Diohine. It went amazingly, and you can read about it on my blog: The new semester is well under way and spring break is only a little over two weeks away!

-Parents: My dad is travelling all around West Africa for his work of discipleship and training. In fact, his travels will bring him here, to Dakar, during my spring break so I am looking forward to spending some time with him at that time! Please pray for safe travels for him – both in terms of transportation and also that he will not be pick-pocketed. Pray also that God will give him wisdom in knowing how to teach the Bible. My mom in the meantime stays in Bamako teaching ESL four days a week, and teaching Bambara to two women a few days a week. Please pray for her ESL classes, that she will find ways to shine God’s light to her students and present the gospel when she has the opportunity. From this point until June my parents will be learning the ropes of keeping a guesthouse. Pray that they will learn quickly and will have enough time to practice everything that is entailed.

-Friends: There is a staff couple who recently had a baby and need your prayers. Soon after their daughter was born she was diagnosed with a cleft palate. Not to long after she developed an infection and was having trouble breathing due to the cleft palate. The three of them were med-evac'd to Germany to receive more specialized care than could be provided here. The infection has now cleared, but the story is far from over. Please read their story here: and keep them in your prayers

-Me: I am doing really well. I had a great time hanging out with my parents over Christmas break. Since school has started back up I have been really busy but I have enjoyed it all. God is teaching me so many things, and I am eager to learn. Please pray for me as I go about my work, that I will be able to effectively use my time so that I can honor God with my job. One of the things I am involved in is recruiting. Pray that I will have wisdom as I evaluate possible candidates. Pray we will be overflowing with people who want to serve here – if you are interested, or know someone who might be, please direct them to our website: There is a link for our employment opportunities on the left hand side of the page.

Well, that is all for this month’s edition. I hope to be more on top of these in the months to come. I hope this finds you well and that your weather is warming up if you live in the States. Have a great day.
